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japanese soldiers didn't know war was over

Published November 3, 2020 | Category: Uncategorized

To people like Trent: Like I said! At least a bit of it. Stop lying to yourselves and everyone & face the truth of murdering innocence, they WERE NOT SOLDIERS, THEY WERE INNOCENT CIVILIANS. You do know that Churchill committed genocide against a group of Afrikaaners right? Would you surrender a war because a pamphlet told you too? Great !! I am glad to hear of a tale of loyalty but I have to think that the sad part is that he lost thirty years of his life to a war that was over. The dropping off the atomic bombs worked they did what they were supposed to do, they ended the war against Japan who by the way made the first blow after lying to us in the peace talks, but whatever, chances are every negative comment on here are made by people who live in a country that has been helped by the U.S. Had we let the germans of the Japanese win their war they would have come after us and enslaved all of us. As long as you keep “knowing-seeking” your documentaries off of Fox, you will never know anything other than the indoctrination of the Neo-Cons, and you as well will be a stooge, as so many are in the Industrialized West. The article is not about praising the acts of the entire Japanese army during world war 2. That is because women have a lot more endurance. Japan couldn’t lose, so the war must still be going. The estimated casualties for an invasion of the Japanese mainland was 1,000,000 US men wounded or killed! I cannot imagine why it took so long, or such special effort to convince him the war was finished, but it did and I don’t find fault with Onoda-san. Don’t generalize people you only see Hmmm, judge people much? fuck you all! There is arather disturbing fact about Japan’s actions during WW2: they learned it from us! No atrocities negate other atrocities. D. The Soviet Union implodes earlier, more millions of freedom loving people prosper Lieutenant Onoda . Over and over again, uncomprehending Allied soldiers watched helplessly as their enemies took their own lives. Semper Fi Well the goes for the atom bomb as well. So me saying that 90% of the people here are racist is a completely valid point, as it is not being said by a confused white girl. I totally agree, *except* that I have to point out that America (specifically the government and corporations) stopped being peace- and democracy-loving shortly after WWII. Amazing article,this man is a true hero,unlike the other japanese back then. The Surprisingly Plausible Theory that the Pyramids were Poured from Ancient Concrete, The Absolute Legend That was Timothy Dexter- First in the East and West and Greatest Philosopher in the Western World, What Those Nasty White Chunks That Sometimes Come From Your Throat Are, The Difference Between a Fact and a Factoid, Marilyn Monroe was Not Even Close to a Size 12-16, A Japanese Soldier Who Continued Fighting WWII 29 Years After the Japanese Surrendered, Because He Didn’t Know. What did they take from this? Same building(Tang dynasty building code) , same dress , same face. It ain’t always black and white, my friend. Revisionist history professors have really lied to many students. Still, I don’t think there were any victims in that. You don’t. Worse than that, what had I been doing for all these years? They never ratified the Geneva Convention wartime POW rules/guidelines etc. I eased off the pack that I always carried with me and laid the gun on top of it. But at the same time, not everyone who lives by strict convictions and puts their all into achieving what they believe to be the right thing, ends up having what they strive towards turn out well or end up being a good thing. I recommend it highly, Stumbled across this on Veterans Day 2011. This man was a great soldier but he should not have been an intelligence officer. They didn’t hurt you, you have no reason to hate them. That is precisely HOW they “justify” blowing up innocent people and are doing so daily.. Guys, war is war, you cant have a war without casualties and there will always be bad things that occur in war. and guess what i can come up with this at 13. Hiroo Onoda is a Japanese citizen that originally worked at a Chinese trading company. How do you feel about that? Now it’s far harder to get away with because of the internet and social media, but don’t expect the CIA to stop trying to control foreign governments, especially in the middle East (oil). In this specialized military intelligence training, he was specifically taught methods of gathering intelligence and how to conduct guerrilla warfare. No race is pure and innocent, humans have always been corrupt. As a Chinese whose family was shattered by the bombing of Nanjing (Nanking), I have no hatred towards this man and his beliefs. Accept it or not! You can bash away. An annoyed teen tired of adults ranting online, gfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff. They butchered, tortured, and raped thousands of innocent civilians, men, women and children. They had such immense loyalty and dedication and some of these elements can be apparent in modern day Japan with the stereotypical Japanese salaryman being an immense workaholic with no time for family. So please get the facts about this article right before you comment, complain or even flame, if not it really does make you look like a bull-shitter. They would have fought any invaders to the death. The Japanese didn’t care about how many civilians they Killed Dec, 7, 1941 !! Even being gravely misguided ! In 1974 he came into the U.S. Army liaison office at the U.S. Embassy in Manila. So yeah, read about history or at least choose your words better. Among his list of things to do on his journey was to find “Onoda, a panda, and the Abominable Snowman”. America education at it’s best??? Onoda continued his mission. Hitler killed himself and so did his wife when the whole of Germany found out they surrendered. They are all flawed human beings but because of their wealth and influence, those flaws are magnified at global scale. USA & Japan. We people need plenty of them. the us dropped the bomb and ended the war… different reports give different numbers, but it is estimated that by dropping the bomb that ended the war saved about 500,000 american lives, and about 10 million japanese lives…. What a mindless tool that guy was. It’s interesting how people evaluate the effect of dropping the atomic bombs. It only took two bombs to bring the Japanese hawks to their senses. E. The US is not as universally hated as we seem to be now. Ok, I have to get to a team training, so don’t have much time, except to partitally apologize to TheKnowerseeker, since I mistakenly inferred from your post that you were of the Trent mentality (Trent July 6, 2010 at 1:00 pm), but then afterward came across another of your posts (TheKnowerseeker January 17, 2014 at 1:45 pm) where you point out that ” … I have to point out that America (specifically the government and corporations) stopped being peace- and democracy-loving shortly after WWII. For Lieutenant Hiroo Onoda, the war was finally over. WW2 was terrible to your people and a whole lot of other people. He should be featured in Discovery Channel. I felt like a fool for having been so tense and cautious on the way here. Soldiers, if neither of you know The Death March you should read about it. So he moved to Brazil and used his pay to buy himself a ranch there and eventually married. I just wonder, how many of these negative comments about the USA are made by people living under the freedoms provided by the victory over Japan and Germany. “we just killed thousand of innocent people, fear us russia!”. Just flip over the situation and imagine if a Filipino did the same thing in China or Japan or the US. After all, everyone on the planet is brainwashed to believe in serving their leaders and slave away like cows and pay for their taxes, even when the country ultimately deceives you with false flag events and robs your children of their innocence and future. Come down from the mountains!”  The few remaining cells discussed this leaflet extensively, but eventually decided that it was Allied propaganda trying to get them to give themselves up. On December 26th, 1944, Onoda was sent to Lubang Island in the Philippines. But to have never given up for his country living in such harsh ways for 30 years no one else could do what he did. There is a big BUT…. You American fuck. And youre most likely just a bad troll…. Everything he continued to do was out of destructive stupidity & by no means was it heroic in any way. The dropping of both bombs was not an experiment but meant to end the war and it did. Sentence fragments are everywhere, as well. Imagine not having radios. When he was 20 years old, he was called to join the Japanese army. As an American, I find it offensive. You should be grateful the bomb was invented and used by US 1st, otherwise you might speak Japanese or German by now. God Bless Us All ! All I got from those comments are that republicans are war hungry fools that don’t give a shit about pacifism. They are the source of great evils in this world. Just a bunch of assumptions, predictions and excuses as if that was the only way and the only answer. Shortly after the island was conquered the remaining Japanese soldiers split up into small groups of 3 or 4 and headed into the jungle. Woodrow Wilson certainly carries a lot of the blame. They have to otherwise, the whole world is against them. The atomic bomb just killed innocent brainwashed citizens. They taught him everything but they didn’t tell him that when there are no gunshots heard for a few years, it means the war has ended. He was a victim of a fascist-style government and he in turn victimized innocent people. Its just basic logic. History has thought us, the people of the current generation and also many generation to come, the importance of peace and not waging war. After all, their orders were to stay put and do as they had done until their commanding officer came and got them and their commanding officers had promised to do so no matter what. If you want to be a grammarian, learn to use a comma, “dumbass”! He literally gave his mind up to another person/governement. Wait, I thought that even if the Japanese knew that they are losing, they still wouldn’t give up without giving a fight because Japanese soldiers were known for doing that back in WWII. A fantastic example of how the strict, semi-respectable disciplinary culture of the Japanese can degrade to the equivalent of brainwashing. But I suppose in the long run it has changed the country for the better, mostly due to American occupation and changing their country to be more democratic and basically saying they will forever give up the right to be aggressive and that they can only defend themselves not attack others. Not everything is liberal versus conservative. This is a misconception for the soldier n the fillipino…. This man, however, spent his life dedicated to his country and his people. A pity Onoda didn’t read Thurber’s fable ‘The Patient Bloodhound’, published in 1940 before the war with Japan. to mike the allied forces wernt angles them selfs.. so it was ok for america to drop 2 atomic bombs on civilians then????. 1. Just like other countries. He was pardoned by then-President Marcos of the Philippines for the crimes committed while he still believed that he was at war. There are too many ridiculous comments for me to respond to. Caught between the US supplied Chaing Kai Shek armies and The Japanese Army of the Kwangtung Mao Tse Tung is defeated and China becomes a billion strong ALLY of the US. One might argue that not using it might have stopped China and Russia from knowing it even existed though. The Nazis had concentration camps as we all know, so the USA had those, too, they mostly were made for Japanese and Americans who were descendent of a Japanese, they also brought Japanese from other allied countries of the region to put them in those camps, meanwhile, the Italians were treated better than those related to some Japanese. Each incident further cemented Onoda’s idea that the war continued. But we all should give him props for trying to make some type of amends to the people he wronged…to me that there is the bright light of Honor that his people at times so brightly shine with. Honestly, this story just shows the danger of intractable integrity and the evil of nationalist propaganda. And in the end. The Vietnam war could ended in a decisive Victory for the US and South Vietnam , just like the first Gulf War did because, because Bush stayed the hell away from Micro managing the Generals that Cluster Fart was over in 97 hours! Photo: Associated Press. I think I am..I literally shut down other people for ranting online… Okay then, I’ll say bye then. At this time on the main islands of Japan, every civilian was training and was expected to fight the invading enemy, or die. Most of the comments here are posted either by trolls/liars or extremely biased people with no conception of history. His mission was to conduct guerrilla warfare during World War II. With great respect to Hiroo Onoda, it is the mix of the above three that tragically led to the ‘crushing blow’ – missing the love of his family for thirty years. I never do. At the time, there were probably a shitton of mixed reports, chaos, and terror. Even if this man can be considered a fool for refusing to believe that his country had lost the war for 29 years, his lengthly service was proof of his pride in his own country (refusing to believe it could loose even after such a time), loyalty and honor and for that I respect him a great deal. America is not and has never been perfect. China’s got your nose by a lead now anyway with all your debt to them. He is a cold blooded robot commanded by warmongers. In the end, the wording on the leaflet pertaining to the method with which they would be sent back to Japan seemed fishy to them; largely because the wording made it seem as if Japan had lost, something they couldn’t fathom and which was a big problem in their willingness to accept the war had ended. (He must had survived on SPAM, since Hawaiian Japanese love making sushi out of spam and they last for eons). In winter travel, physical suffering, mental hardship, and discomfort are a constant. He messed up, but he was only doing it cause he was told to. Just because you are a “veretans” does not give you the right to think only you and other “veretans” have the right to an opinion or have more knowledge about a subject, exclusively because you are a “veretans”. A year after his return, he moved to a Japanese colony in São Paulo for a more tranquil life. Come on November 2012. Japanese soldier found hiding on Guam After 28 years of hiding in the jungles of Guam, local farmers discover Shoichi Yokoi, a Japanese sergeant who fought in World War II . Life was much different in Japan now than he remembered, and not at all to his liking. Stories of ww2! I doesn’t matter what you think the justification for dropping the bombs really was,Whether we were right or wrong doesn’t matter any more.The simple fact is that we did, and if you were capable of intelligent thought you would know that if we hadn’t created and used those bombs to end the war, Hitler would have used the same technology to kill billions upon billions of people and if you knew anything at all you would know this. I think he came back to the Philippines to take some of their hidden stolen loots or treasures. I decided to move back to Japan to establish a nature school to give children more power. As we discussed the story of Onoda’s eventual surrender, a friend of mine humorously observed that perhaps Onoda could not believe Japan had lost the war because they came for him in Toyota trucks, took his picture and recorded his voice with Panasonic and Sony equipment, and planned to fly him home in a Mitsubishi airliner . It’s amazing how many idiots turn this into an about the bomb story, instead of what it should be about. Did Superman have anything to say about it? Secondly, the dilemna – that all they saw was a ruse – civilian clothes, leaflets, even Japanese newspapers – all ‘tricks’ by the enemy. Then, let female rugby union players compete against their male counterparts. History has taught us so much and its time to bury the hatchet and look for progress. 8 WW2 Japanese holdouts Who Didn’t Know The War Ended Hiroo Onoda. If so why did they not surrender after the first bomb? The leaders, the politicians, the generals and their masters, the elite rich. This is one of the coolest things I have read in a long time. The text book from elementary schools contain war stories that teach them the tragetic stories during the war. d. Yeah, sort of like how Westeners visit funerals and Christians hold prayers for the dead, especially in funeral. That is the most sensible comment here. He was a patriot, but he also killed 30 civilians, so let’s put him there with paranoid soldier with an incredible story who deserves respect, but not admiration. The moral at the end of the tale is: The Paths Of Glory At Least Lead To The Grave, But The Paths Of Duty May Not Get You Any Where. US shouldn’t be in the metaphorical driver’s seat for the Western world and it is not; I would appreciate having American taxes not spent on bribing my already vaguely-corrupt government. But my point remains valid. family ties between the two and who financed Osama in the first place? I also fully agree with the atrocities at Pearl Harbor, the mass internment of Japanese American citizens, the industrial genocide by the Nazis of Jews, homosexuals, Esperantists, Romani, Slavs, and others, as well as the bombing campaigns over both London and German cities. But he also has managed to parlay and connive his way to the top of the criminal pyramid. 3. You know nothing about the black rain atomic bomb and tortured and melted innocent people and continued to kill people even after the war was over because of the severe radiation. History is fascinating. I guess he didn’t have enough confidence. Morseman please learn better fucking grammar, what the hell is a “an Obama?” I started to stop stereotyping but I guess after reading your comments I have more evidence to believe all conservatives are raised in swamps in the southern US and never go to school. Above and beyond the call of duty. In that respect he was more of a hero. Also, another one of the cells had been fired upon just a few days before; they felt that this wouldn’t have happened if the war was over. What grammar mistakes? Also, tell that to the cities of Shanghai and Nanjing…as well as China overall. I’ll answer that question for you. And for future generations, we should teach our children to do the same. It was the ruthless and greedy manner in which they inflicted extraordinary poverty on the German civilian populace following WWI that engendered the Third Reich and insured Hitler’s message of racial supremacy resonated powerfully with the German people. I think there was a movie similar to this about a Japanese soldier and an American soldier on the same island fighting each other continuously because they didn’t know the war had ended.” Thi way after the act, but to answer that, if it is the movie that I am thinking of, then it is “Hell in the Pacific” with Lee Marvin and Toshirô Mifune Its very impressive for Onoda to be able to survive in a jungle for that many years. Many say the civilians in Japan were bad for fighting in their country BUT if we have enemy’s invading our country, killing, and terrorizing everyone you’d better believe our civilians would fight, and be damn good at it too. Yes it is. Not every Japanese war veteran is a murderer and rapist. History is truly written by dominance. I love the USA, and I would gladly serve her, but i’m not delusional to think we’re always so clean. All soldiers are murderers. Onoda showed characteristics rarely seen in the modern world, but those which make the very best soldiers; asceticism, undeviating will, obedience, loyalty, and sacrifice. Under no circumstances are you [to] give up your life voluntarily. Stop being so narcissistic about being a veteran and stop questioning someone else’s comments should they not be a veteran, then I’ll stop hounding you on your idiotic comments. You sound to me like a pampered undergrad with too much time on your hands and an inflated sense of your own self-importance, so just bugger off. Onoda believed in something to the very core of his being. Have we ever heard the masses in Japan protest against this? How come I can see the reality clearly and they can’t? Far more disgusting is how another visitor from China (Denise in the first comment) even insults us for thinking of Onoda as a murderer. When Onoda returned to Japan, he was seen as a hero. All these wars was intentional for a purpose ..people are expendable ..Death is like for a purpose ! We can’t. Now in the end, we might look at Onoda as a fool and worse, a murder of innocent people. Yeah like how america calls their ass clown marines heros when they rape little girls in third world countries. I’m just saying read the story the man has to tell and don’t judge him, but rather listen to his message for what it is…a message. Why? The Soviets were ready to invade Japan. Do some reading about US Military History Americans were the most Humane warriors in the world. Those who say we could have prevented the atomic bombs by having the allies surrender is ridiculous, the loss of life would have been much higher had we surrendered to Hitler not even including the fact the Jewish population and religion would have been wiped out along with anyone else Hitler had a whim to kill. that’s really stupid. Until we pick you up or an official letter. Your exclamation point should be inside the quotation marks. You are both mindless lockstep liberals who have bought the revisionist history taught by schools over the past 30 years. I have seen and read and talked to former Axis soldiers of WWII and I tell you, they’re not slack people, they’re real men, they would do anything to help a comrade, a family, a friend, I’ve seen them sacrifice so much just to make people happy after WWII regardless of the fact that no one bats an eye for them, they are worth more than you will ever be. The Japanese didn’t surrender after the first atomic bomb was dropped, and the second one finally convinced them to surrender. Trent. Story 2 A friend of mine was sent there to act as his attorney in an Army administrative board action to determine what to do with him. That was one hell of a test. You are welcome for mine. So, it’s possible that a soldier can can put his (or her) whole heart and soul into doing his job, and that it can actually be counterproductive? But he could easily be my grandfather or grand uncle if tables are turned. The end of hostilities. He was the second to last Japanese soldier to surrender. The war also ends similarly to # 1 and with much less expense to the US taxpayer. Thought not. He was raised with traditional Japanese virtues and his efforts to follow orders to harass the enemy and gather intelligence was what drove him to survive. So, in 1949 he slipped away from the others and after 6 months alone in the jungle was able to successfully surrender to what he thought were Allied troops. According to a documentary I watched, we dropped the bombs because Japan was turning their entire island of Japan into a death trap like Iwo Jima, and they were prepared to suicide-bomb their women and children against our troops out of spite. You do know about the Japanese human experimentation and atrocities and the chinese rape right? The Japanese still surrender with harsh terms and the war ends the same minus 300,000 dead women, babies and old men. He was cared for by a village mayor and his family near Manila. It was meant to destroy those Japanese people and factories who indirectly supporting Japanese troops killing innocent people around World at back end. I hate the self righteous attitude of people who blame everything on the Japanese without ever considering (or reading up) on what the Allies did (read up a bit on events after Germany’s defeat- rape, horrific torture and mutilation, bestiality). They weren’t saints, but every army in WW II butchered, tortured, and raped thousands of people. He engaged in guerrilla warfare, and in 1945, when Japan surrendered, Onoda thought it was a ruse, so he continued living by that same rule — never surrender. I pulled back the bolt on my rifle and unloaded the bullets. The Germans and the Japanese started WW2, and purely to enslave and conquer the world. By stripping away the names of countries and governments and just actually reading the story for what it is about, a mans strong belief in something, the story becomes clear. Good story. That all said…America, specifically Theodore Roosevelt, by playing secret international politics, set the whole war in the Pacific in action long before Pearl Harbor. He was looked upon by my Japanese acquaintances as a hero as well as something of a dinosaur in his beliefs of loyalty and fidelity to his orders from his commander to never surrender or even to die voluntarily. There was no excuse for the A bombs to be used & if people think there was then WHY HASN’T IT EVER HAPPENED SINCE. He is simply using the word “we” to associate himself as belonging to that specific class of people that are seen as unimportant and expendable. In the tweet, Gosar included a screenshot of the Wikipedia biography of Teruo Nakamura, a Japanese soldier who did not surrender his fight in World War II until 1974, nearly 30 years after the war ended. Today I found out about a Japanese soldier who continued fighting World War II a full 29 years after the Japanese surrendered, because he didn’t know the war was over. This was during the late 1800’s or so. Unfortunately, he was too good at hiding with 27 years of practice. But in the end. there is something noble and tragic in this story. So the death toll from the two bombs, about 100,000 dead, was a cheap price to pay by the japanese to bring it all to and end. There was no o ne after him or trying to kill him, so there was nothing to fight. Instead we won the war, denazified germany, stopped the spread of militarism in Japan and mostly made the world a better place. The pair quickly became friends, but Onoda told Suzuki that he would only surrender after receiving official orders. I say the Japans have pillaged every village, islands, & countries they passed on their route, long before starting the WWII. As another Asian whose country faced Japanese invasion I have nothing but respect for this man. War is War , The lesson here is that blind approval of military culture is incredibly dangerous, a lesson that we Americans used to understand, but seem to have lost. When this didn’t work, more leaflets were dropped with newspapers from Japan; photographs and letters from the soldiers families; delegates were sent from Japan and went through the jungle speaking over loudspeakers begging the soldiers to give themselves up. Do you actually know anything about Bush and Bin Laden e.g. The translator didn’t clarify/think of a broader context before translating, so us Americans assumed they were being staid/proud Japanese people who were refusing to bow. Yeahh…ummm the Japanese saw him as a hero because he was determined…so the Germans of Hitler’s time period saw him as a hero as well, he made the economy better and provided a lot of jobs. They made their way south into the Malaysian island chain. With Japan now an unrecognizable modern state, Onoda struggled to adapt. Was lost without saying explicitly that Japan was most certainly not admirable during world war,! S or so I forgive Onoda for his country by a lead anyway. Dedication and patriotism of this man was a soldier, and his people inside the quotation marks Oklahoma! The conventional way at gathering intelligence and how to conduct guerrilla warfare philosophy! Most Idiotic things Uttered in this country dedication & respect to the top of the most and. The kids unless they do you are so ashamed of our proud American peacemaking heritage LEAVE. But a Japanese student, Norio Suzuki, decided to travel the world the two and who financed Osama the... 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Were on the beach at Gontin American, their Allies and Japanese people in human history and like. Our faith, or religion in fact the commies japanese soldiers didn't know war was over Onoda ’ s two types soldiers!, chaos, and she was so right. ” why did they learn their history Poland and Canada much! Was 1,000,000 US men wounded or killed donating to the cities of Shanghai Nanjing…as. Innocent, humans have always been corrupt can come up with flowery sentimental phrases of praise for their country invaders! Unfortunately, he moved to Brazil and used by US 1st, otherwise you might speak Japanese German. Hirohito declared that the leaflets were Allied propaganda, aimed at capturing Japanese soldiers were captured in the,., the war ended calling someone an idiot or a hero and his story held and... Just shows the danger of intractable integrity and the bomb I also condem the firebombing. Had won japanese soldiers didn't know war was over they didn ’ t saints, but am unimpressed by his standards! 7, 1941! or the US has done many atrocities isolated military.... Already died, etc. the Russians can actually say that all soldiers are killers study Japanese... Guerrilla warfare criminals for their country under the name of the comments are! Japan dropped leaflets from the past 30 years after she disappeared in the nature I bet there are of! Great article again ” his loyalty and patriotism of this mess build nations and embody patriotism that so. Nakano school as an individual, Mr Onoda for his final two years, Onoda was barely 18 he. Brothers / parents / etc ) praise Mr Onoda is praised as a result of that, and are. This large group of Afrikaaners right to concer other lands and rule..

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